Summer Weights and Bus Schedules

Support Reno Valley Athletics with Dillons Community Rewards!
Go to www.dillons.com
Sign in or register. To register, you will need an email address or Dillons Plus Card.
Once signed in, click on welcome valued customer and click the account tab.
Under community rewards (at the bottom), click on enroll.
Under find organization, enter the #EE513 and Reno Valley Athletics will pop up.
Hit enroll and your done! Every time you use your Dillons Plus Card, Reno Valley Athletics receives rewards.
This will help Reno Valley Athletics every time you swipe, and you still get your fuel points!
Thank you, and GO PANTHERS!

Reno Valley Athletics has the following coaching positions available for the 2021-22 school year:
Assistant Football (2)
Assistant Volleyball (2)
If you or someone you know is interested, email Jason Busche at jbusche@usd309ks.org
Thank you and GO PANTHERS!

Reno Valley Parents and Athletes,
In order to participate in athletics for the 2021-22 school year, student athletes must have 3 forms turned in to the office before participation. They need the updated KSHSAA physical form, Concussion form and Emergency Contact/Permission form.
Oz Chiropractic has teamed up with Reno Valley for athletic physicals. The cost is $20 with Oz donating $10 from each physical to Reno Valley Athletics! Oz is currently conducting physicals and will continue throughout the summer and 2021-22 school year. Please make sure to let them know you're from Reno Valley in order for them to keep track of their donations. Oz Chiropractic is located on 30th street in Hutchinson. They have packets with all the documentation/signature locations for students to participate in all athletics at Reno Valley.
Thank you and GO PANTHERS!

Reno County is in the Yellow Zone for the week of 5/3/21, this is the second week in a row in the Yellow Zone.
Please note, the PTR and the cases have steadily increased, however, the testing rate is very low, so the New Case Count per 100,000 is what we are looking at for Gating Metrics. Recommendations from the RCHD and the Medical Collaborative regarding Covid-19 include the following mitigating measures, social distance by more than 6 ft., wash hands frequently, wear a mask, stay home when you are sick, and get vaccinated. If you are sick you may get tested through your provider or the Free Community Testing site. Log on to https://www.gogettested.com/ for more information and directions as to how to sign up.
This Week’s Data: Prior Data:
14 Day PTR – 4/26– 11.7% 14 Day PTR - 4/19– 17.3%
14 Day New Case - 4/19– 62 14 Day New Case-4/19- 63
We are encouraging students over 16 to be vaccinated, they would not be excluded from end of year activities if they were exposed to Covid-19, as we would consider them immune for 6 months after they are 2 weeks post fully vaccinated. We encourage parents and students to consider this option.
Kansas is now vaccinating individuals 16 – up, vaccines do need to be age appropriate for the individual (Pfizer 16 yrs. and up, Moderna is for 18 yrs. and up). You may go to https://vaccinefinder.org/ and find locations that have the brand you are looking for. Reno County Health Dept. is scheduling appointments and walk-ins or go online and visit the Hutchinson Clinic, Dillon’s pharmacies, Walmart or The Medicine Shoppe for availability.